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James Simmons - Online Gedenkwebseite

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James Simmons
Geboren inTexas
48 years
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There are so many memories that it is so hard to put them all on....But I guess the one that stands out is.....him and our collie dog.. When he got mad that the collie knocked him down and he cussed that dog.and my grandpa and dad heard him....
I was remembering when you were small and you ran in house one time saying there was a alagator in the ditch in the front yard of course it was a red shop rag. but we all got a good laugh.
Jimmy was my little brother. He was always helpful to everyone. He loved his family dearly. He always cooked for us on holidays and was always there when you needed help
Gesamtanzahl Erinnerungen: 4
Seiten:: 1  « 1 »
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